Check the cape of a player
Check a guild by name of by player
Check the name history of a user
Check specific kit leaderboards for the blitz survival games minigame
Check the socials of a player
Check the hypixel stats of a given user
Usage: -stats <player> [mode] [additional info]
Game Types: Arcade, Bedwars, Blitz, Bridge, BuildBattle, Duels, Megawalls, MurderMystery
Paintball, Pit, Quakecraft, Skywars, SmashHeroes, SpeedUHC, TKR, TNT, UHC, VampireZ, Walls
Get information based upon the server the player is in, like gamemode, and gametype
Unverify your account
Return the Uuid of a user
Verify yourself for easy command execution to save time
Return basic watchdog stats. Not very detailed