Plays a song
Usage: -play Gangnam Style
Usage: -play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_c01W6kmXA
Usage: -play soundcloud Gangnam Style
Usage: -play https://soundcloud.com/djneilio/wish-i-never-met-you-radio
Play a specified soundcloud track
Usage: -soundcloud psy - gangnamstyle
Usage: -soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/djneilio/wish-i-never-met-you-radio
Pause/Resume the current song
Disconnect & clear the queue
Skip the current song or the specified number of songs
Usage: -skip [<amount of songs>]
Loop the current song. Loops until stopped or channel is empty
Toggles whether or not the Dj role is required to use any music commands.
Set the progress of the song back to 0 (-forward 0s has the same result)
Displays info about the current song + 10 upcoming songs aswell.
Usage: -queue [clear/reset]
Search YouTube for your input. It'll return the first 10 results.
You can then click the emotes at the bottom to specify which tracks
you'd like to add to the queue
Usage: -youtube <input>
Get the lyrics of a song (if any)
Set the music volume. Requires the kick member permission
Usage: -volume <1-100>
Forwards the progress of the song.
Usage: -forward <timespan>